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Hwy 87 Complete Streets Reconstruction

Frazee, MN
Project Overview

This Complete Streets project included a 1.5-mile reconstruction of Highway 87 in Frazee, Minnesota to accommodate a shared-use path, sidewalk, parking, driving lanes, a railroad crossing, and ADA-compliant design improvements.

Our Work

Isthmus led the preliminary design, including 3D modeling, delivered the final ADA design, and piloted a new visualization process for this project. Based on the project requirements from MnDOT, our team helped synthesize nine different alternatives and ultimately developed and modeled three design options for the urban reconstruction.

Our team collected detailed imagery, using both ground-based and drone photos, to capture block-by-block images of the corridor. We then used this data to layout alignments and create 3D models which were used to pilot an interactive 360-degree map for each design alternative. These visualizations showed how each new alignment addressed the city’s priorities within the constraints of the project and available right of way.

As Highway 87 runs through the heart of Frazee, construction would have a significant impact on the daily life of its residents. The overall success of the project was highly dependent on the community’s involvement in the preliminary design and decision process. The visualizations our team developed were used at public meetings and as online resources to inform project stakeholders of the potential options and impacts, receive feedback, and move the project forward. These renderings and virtual videos also allowed the Frazee City Council to compare access control options at the railroad crossing, which was another component of the project scope. Our team members attended these public meetings, working with city and MnDOT staff to gather input and help facilitate decisions.

Over the course of the project, Isthmus stepped into expanded leadership responsibilities to maintain continuity on the project and support on-time delivery and completion of the project construction. As the designs were finalized and approved, the virtual exhibits were updated to support ongoing communication, including MnDOT Right of Way using a detailed version of the interactive 360-degree map to discuss the project impacts with landowners. Throughout the final design and construction planning process, the quality of the Isthmus plan sets and the innovative use of the 3D models and visualization were instrumental. The MnDOT Central Office ADA Field Inspector commented that the Isthmus-prepared plan and proposed elevations were “spot-on” as construction proceeded.

To view the 3D visualization, visit 360-Degree Project Tour.

Featured Team Members

Katie Toghramadjian
Role: Isthmus Project Manager

Michelle Gerrity
Role: Geometric Layout & ADA Design Lead

Jason Tschida
Role: 3D Modeling & Visualization Task Lead, District 4 Over-the-Shoulder Support

Edward Taylor
Geometric Design Support

Featured Services

  • Roadway Design
  • ADA Design
  • 3D Modeling & Visualization
Project Details

Owner: MnDOT District 4

Location: Frazee, MN

Project Number: SP 0306-30